Lawyer Resources in San Diego
From upcoming events to resources we find useful, come back to this page to be in the know for all things SD Law. These resources are designed by Lawyers for Lawyers!
For our referral partners, we’re happy to help you hunt down some background information. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to give you the inside scoop on your next prospective defendant. We can assist you in uncovering the following:
June 2021 Happy Hour
/in Events/by The Gupta Evans & Ayres TeamOur team gathered for a happy hour at our favorite spot, The Carnitas Shack Downtown.
July 2021 Happy Hour
/in Events/by The Gupta Evans & Ayres TeamWe hosted a get together at The Carnitas Shack Downtown with our team and clientele.
August 2021 Happy Hour
/in Events/by The Gupta Evans & Ayres TeamTo cater to our North County peers, we hosted our happy hour at Ballast Point Miramar.